Sunday, February 20, 2011


Teaching With Visual Symbols

       It is used by the teachers for their students inorder to have a better understanding. This is because visual symbols are more understood than words. In  single drawing or illustration, it may express many words. This will help the teacher to have a lively lesson and every lesson, the teaching will be crispy and fresh. Students will be more interactive during your lesson, thus having a life-long learning. Examples of visual symbols are the following:

  a. Drawings- it represents a Real thing. In drawing, your students can express themselves well.

  b.Cartoons- It would be best to, present a cartoon drawing in a class to engage learner in more enjoyable learning. It tells its story metaphorically. It will help to improve learner's ceative thinking for they will interpret what they've seen.
  c. Strip drawings- commonly called comics strip. Learner will find it more entertaining and enjoyable.
   d.Diagrams- Learners will understand better a topic if presents in diagram specially its relationship.
    e. Charts- is a diagrammatic representation of relationships among individuals within an organization.
   f. Graphs-  there are several types of graphs:
                  *Pie or circle graph 
                  *Bar graph
                  * Pictorial graph
                  *Graphic Organizer
    g. Maps- Very helpful for the learner to understand better the places, because they cannot see the whole world, so it serves as a representation.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


The power of film, video, and tv in the classroom

       It is very necessary in the classroom to have a lively and interactive atmosphere. It will help the students to have a lifelong learning. It helps us know the happenings all around the globe. Using these technology in the classroom setting will enhance the learnings of the students.
      For me its really necessary because aside from it is enjoyable, students will be very interactive. As teachers, we must apply this in our teaching, students will not get bored and they will be very participative. They will always remember it and theyn would feel as if they are a part of the movie.


Making the Most of Community Resources and Field Trips

       The field trips can nurture curiosity; build a zest for new experience, and a sense of wonder. Having field trip will allow students to have more meaningful and a lifelong learning. It will make the learners understand completely if they come face to face with it. Aside from it is enjoyable it is educational as well.

       In order to have a successful field trip, it must be prepared thoroughly and well planned. It requires time for preparation for the part of the teachers and the students. They must be oriented on the objectives, route, behavior, or standards required everyone to make sure the field trip will carried out as planned and expected.

      Field trip has a disadvantages, too. Well you cannot have field trip if you don't have a money, right? Aside from it is costly, it is extravagant with time. Also it involves logistics, and contains elements of uncertainty.

       The following can be resources in the community in having a field trip:
   *Parents: Students' parents can be resource speaker for many of them have already experience in their field of expertise.
    *A Barangay Captain: He may be asked on what the barangay intends to do to curb the rampant alcoholism among the youth in the community.
    *Libraries: Student could do the researches in the library.