Friday, March 18, 2011


Rules and Function of Educational  Media Center

An educational media center is a facility designed for the housing and utilization of all educational media within the school. It is a basic requirement for school to render quality service.It is not independent of the school. Rather, like any part of the human body, it is the unit in the school that cooperates with other unit of departments that help the school fulfill its mission and realize its vision by living up to the school's philosophy and aims.It serves a myriad roles and functions  and services  such as:
  • Orientation-All teacher are given an orientation on the Educational Media Center.The students are also given an orientation on their first Media Instructional Program class.
  • Selection of print and non-print materials-The librarians continually select and acquire print and non-print material that suits the needs, interest, and special abilities of the students and teachers.
  • Organization of print and non-print materials- A technical librarian organizes all the purchased print and non-print materials for easy retrieval.


assessment in the contructivist, technology supported learning

The teacher should conduct assessment practice  that will be congruent with the constructivist's thinking,which is a higher level form that will require the display of the basic skills of writing and speaking skills,computing and the more complex skills of applying concepts learned, analyzing, integrating and creating, critiquing and evaluating and the social skills of working with others. Such higher form of assessment will call for altercate form of assessment.
          Authentic assessment is the most appropriate for the constructivist classroom.It measures collective abilities,written and oral expression skills,analytical skills,manipulative skills,integration, creativity, and ability to work collaboratively.With the kind of assessment, students perform real world tasks. It is an assessment of the process or a product.The performance is the reliable measure of skills learned and the product is the proof of the acquisition of skills. In doing authentic assessment, the teacher should make use of of the scoring rubric in order to objectively observe and evaluate student's performance.With scoring rubric, the standards are clearly set at the beginning the teacher and the students. With rubric,the student can assess her or his progress.In this case the much fear foe the test gets dispelled.Assessment is the natural and normal part of the learning process. There are no more secrets on how students will be tested,what kind of question will be asked.The students themselves know how their progress gets assessed.
           Aside from authentic assessment, there is also the need of performance-based assessment or product assessment.It is a direct assessment.With this assessment, the teacher measures the student's computer skills directly in an authentic or real-life setting.


Using the project-based multimedia as a teaching learning strategy
Goals and objectives are always the starting points of planning.When she or he is planning for a multimedia learning project as a teaching strategy, the teacher begin by clarifying his or her objectives and goals. Since this strategy requires much time, teacher should be realistic the amount of time she or he has to spend as seen against time available or run the risk of the failure disappointment afterwards.

           To trim down devoted to a a multimedia project, the teacher must use technology which the students  had already know. He pr she must use time outside pf the class wherever possible.Assign practice as homework.Use special classes like art,or music as extra time. Let students compose text and select and prepare graphics and sound as they plan

           Before the project starts, the teacher should:
  • Create project description and milestone.
  • Work with real-world connections.
  • Prepare resources.
  • Prepare software and peripherals such as microphones.
  • Organize computer files.
  • Prepare the classroom.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Project- based Learning and multimedia: what is it?

          A class that effectively employs project-based multimedia learning is highly animated and active engaged.Together with other students, every student is absorbed i a task in line with the goals and objectives made clear at the start.Time has wings. It flies so fast that students don't feel the passing of time.The teacher monitors the students as they work. With his or her guidance, he or she allows the to make decisions for themselves.He or she has more time to these students in need of greater help and attention.By going around, he or she can sense if students are on the right track and if the goals and expectations set at the start are not set aside but remain to be the governing factor behind every activity.The student's intellectual powers are very challenged as they read, research for basic information and as they analyze and organize this bits of information.



            Using chalkboard in the classroom is very popular among teachers. It is the most available source specially to those places that has not yet introduced by the technology. It is much easier for a teacher to write in the board once they are explaining. It is also the most common method that the teacher is using. Though today, the most common is the whiteboard instead of the green board or the blackboard. They use marker instead of chalk for practical reasons. In using chalk it can cause cough to srudents or few students are allergic to chalk. It is much better to use chalk.

              Aside from using the chalkboard, overhead projector is also useful. By using this, it can minimize the time the teacher spend in writing in the board.It is easy to  operate.It is used in front of the classroom.Instructor can easily observe student reactions,control its attention and regulate the flow of information in the presentation.It is especially easy for teachers and students to create materials.The projected image behind the instruction can be as large as necessary for all in the students to see.Since the transparency, as it is placed on the projector,is seen by the instructor exactly as students see it.



Sunday, February 20, 2011


Teaching With Visual Symbols

       It is used by the teachers for their students inorder to have a better understanding. This is because visual symbols are more understood than words. In  single drawing or illustration, it may express many words. This will help the teacher to have a lively lesson and every lesson, the teaching will be crispy and fresh. Students will be more interactive during your lesson, thus having a life-long learning. Examples of visual symbols are the following:

  a. Drawings- it represents a Real thing. In drawing, your students can express themselves well.

  b.Cartoons- It would be best to, present a cartoon drawing in a class to engage learner in more enjoyable learning. It tells its story metaphorically. It will help to improve learner's ceative thinking for they will interpret what they've seen.
  c. Strip drawings- commonly called comics strip. Learner will find it more entertaining and enjoyable.
   d.Diagrams- Learners will understand better a topic if presents in diagram specially its relationship.
    e. Charts- is a diagrammatic representation of relationships among individuals within an organization.
   f. Graphs-  there are several types of graphs:
                  *Pie or circle graph 
                  *Bar graph
                  * Pictorial graph
                  *Graphic Organizer
    g. Maps- Very helpful for the learner to understand better the places, because they cannot see the whole world, so it serves as a representation.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


The power of film, video, and tv in the classroom

       It is very necessary in the classroom to have a lively and interactive atmosphere. It will help the students to have a lifelong learning. It helps us know the happenings all around the globe. Using these technology in the classroom setting will enhance the learnings of the students.
      For me its really necessary because aside from it is enjoyable, students will be very interactive. As teachers, we must apply this in our teaching, students will not get bored and they will be very participative. They will always remember it and theyn would feel as if they are a part of the movie.


Making the Most of Community Resources and Field Trips

       The field trips can nurture curiosity; build a zest for new experience, and a sense of wonder. Having field trip will allow students to have more meaningful and a lifelong learning. It will make the learners understand completely if they come face to face with it. Aside from it is enjoyable it is educational as well.

       In order to have a successful field trip, it must be prepared thoroughly and well planned. It requires time for preparation for the part of the teachers and the students. They must be oriented on the objectives, route, behavior, or standards required everyone to make sure the field trip will carried out as planned and expected.

      Field trip has a disadvantages, too. Well you cannot have field trip if you don't have a money, right? Aside from it is costly, it is extravagant with time. Also it involves logistics, and contains elements of uncertainty.

       The following can be resources in the community in having a field trip:
   *Parents: Students' parents can be resource speaker for many of them have already experience in their field of expertise.
    *A Barangay Captain: He may be asked on what the barangay intends to do to curb the rampant alcoholism among the youth in the community.
    *Libraries: Student could do the researches in the library.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


 DivShare offers a document and flash player which allow you to share more dynamic file types than other free file hosting services in the internet. It allows users to host audio, video documents and more similar to how they would be stored on a web server. DivShare files are able to be embedded, shared via links and offer different privacy levels.


   Demonstration in Teaching

    Demonstration is showing how things are done and emphasizing pf the salient merits, utility efficiency of the concept, a method, or a process or an attitude. It is indeed necessary to have demonstration on teaching in order for the students to learn effectively. Students will understand more and will always remember the steps if given the steps are shown to them. Most probably, your learners will become more motivated and interested in your lesson. They won't get bored.
     In demonstrating, it is important to remember that, there should be an audience, a process of speaking, and a process of showing a method of how things are done. Demonstration not only focuses on showing how things are done, but they can be used in showing a product inorder to convince people to buy that certain product.

      Before engaging in a demonstration, we must be sure that we already planned ahead and that we are prepared in delivering in a demonstration. We must have a clear objective in mind in order for us to know where
we are heading. We must consider our learners, their type and other factors necessary for us to know the effective method to be used. Remember that we ought to teach our students the best, so we must do everything we can. Afterall students were learning from us.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

LB #9

           Teaching with Dramatized Experience

In our teaching, it is also necessary to be dramatic in giving our lesson to the students. This will help you to capture the interest of your learner, that they will not be bored but rather feel excited in going in to your class. It is said that it holds attention and has a great impact emotionally, which I believe is true. Being dramatic inside the helps the learner to understand better. Those what we taught them cannot be easily forgotten for it is as though they are part of it, for they participate in it...


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

LB # 8

     Contrived Experiences

   As i have learned in this lesson, in contrived experiences we make use of a representative models or mock ups of reality when it is not possible to bring in the classroom. It is very helpful specially to the students for them to understand better a certain thing. It is not enough telling the students what a certain object is like. It is better if they will see a model that would represent it in the best way.

    for instance, showing the student what a world is like. Of course it is very impossible for you to bring the world to the class. IN order for them to see what the world is like, you will bring a globe(representation of the world). You will let them discover different places, their distance to one another, their location, their geography and many others. Students would not find it difficult and they will learn more and it is exciting to them too. Ther are may other ways of making use of these contrived experiences.

      As future teacher, one must know the different contrived experiences to be able to use to students for better and effective learning process.