Friday, March 18, 2011


Using the project-based multimedia as a teaching learning strategy
Goals and objectives are always the starting points of planning.When she or he is planning for a multimedia learning project as a teaching strategy, the teacher begin by clarifying his or her objectives and goals. Since this strategy requires much time, teacher should be realistic the amount of time she or he has to spend as seen against time available or run the risk of the failure disappointment afterwards.

           To trim down devoted to a a multimedia project, the teacher must use technology which the students  had already know. He pr she must use time outside pf the class wherever possible.Assign practice as homework.Use special classes like art,or music as extra time. Let students compose text and select and prepare graphics and sound as they plan

           Before the project starts, the teacher should:
  • Create project description and milestone.
  • Work with real-world connections.
  • Prepare resources.
  • Prepare software and peripherals such as microphones.
  • Organize computer files.
  • Prepare the classroom.

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